I don't really know what to think about this clip... Its pretty intense and I think its crazy to see Paul still be in his comedian mentality even when the subject is so serious. It wasn't the most non objective crowd either lets just be honest. But here's the clip in question...
yes the n word is being used all over america and all in negative ways but until you are born in the south ya dont know nothing about the n word
Paul Mooney and Al Sharpton are the two biggest racists in America. Paul Mooney is NOT funny at all. This was a serious situation and he was still 'TRYING' to be funny. He needs to take off that Olympic Swimmers' cap. He needs to stay behind the scenes as a writer for other comics and not be let out to speak in public. His stand-up is nothing without the N-word. Although it is a double-standard that blacks can say it and other races can't, I also hear females call either other bitches but ones a male calls a woman a bitch it is a problem. The N-word should not be a word where people are waiting for the 'privilege' to be able to say. The word has evolved much like the word 'bitch' has. It has a new and different meaning depending on HOW you use it. It sounds silly, but I didn't make the rules.
I can remember being in 6th Grade and I (being black) said the N-word around a white girl nearby and she told a white teacher. I was punished and given a detention. I was shocked! How was that possible? Was SHE offended?!
I actually sat and watch the whole video.. Paul Mooney is a rude asshole! Phuck him! He was disrespectful throughout the show and was acting like the generic prototype of an N-word. Honestly, when I walk by a group of blacks or even a suspicious looking black dude, I clutch onto my belongs too and I get ready for combat! Lol! It's so messed up, but it's true. And no black person reading this can disagree with me.
1. I never understood the argument a lot of white people had against the n word, complaining about how they are not allowed to say it. Why do these people arguing from this point of view want to say it so badly? That's the only thing I get from that point of view. If you're so passionate about this argument I don't think you're just upset you can't say "the N word" in your favorite rap song.
2. I never understood the BET argument, I think BET is trash personally but I can understand why a race would want to turn to a channel where they can actually see their race more frequently than every other channel with the lack of black characters and or situations that black people are more inclined to react to in their comedy or drama.
3. "YOU CAN HAVE BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION" I'm sorry.. but this is the stupidest argument I've ever encountered. Isn't every other channel other than BET and other channels of that nature. WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION? I always thought "WET" was Spike tv but that might be just me.
My personal thoughts
Well said man, I agree with you on all your points, it never made much sense to me either. In a way its kind of the same thing as when people at my school showed extreme frustration over Black students celebrating over Obama's victory the day after. Its like man do you have any idea where we came from? Can we be happy for at least one day? As for the BET stuff lol I dont get why white people need to have such a stronghold on the world that the mere mentioning of BET sparks an uproar. LOL to be honest id give BET up anyway, its terrible! Ever see the Blackbuster movie thing they do on the weekends? You'd think it was some sick social indoctrination project run by the KKK or something, No channel reinforces more stereotypes than BET. So I dont see what all the fuss is amongst certain circles, but hey people complain about the sky not being blue enough and the grass not being green enough so why wouldn't they complain about BET lol.
It is amazing that more than a year later, this individual show still remains as intense as the first time that I saw it. It is not my intention to justify Mr. Mooney's behavior but I think in this kind of forum, behavior like that yields results that are more than likely counterproductive. I understand his anger though. No one even winced when the older mexican lady so casually said that racism happened years and years ago and that black people should just get over it. When people say things like that it shows a willingness to completely disregard the evil seeds of such an act. Would you tell a Jewish person to get over the holocaust?
The effects of the slave trade are still present in todays global society and extremely present in american society. At the very minimum, slavery broke up many families which in turn robbed many people of their identities (cultural, spiritual and personal). I believe the notion that blacks were sub-human and were barely deserving of their second class citizenship is the same notion that manifests itself today when you look at the media and how black people and people of color are perceived. I just believe that it is hidden. Let us look at our education system. I think we as a people know more about the achievements of whites more than we know our own. "American" History books are only sprinkled with a couple faces of color and bathed with the achievements of great whites. I do not seek to discredit those achievements but if you are going to talk about Americas history then maybe it should be told in a bigger scope. In the back of your mind it seems to say that black people have made no significant contribution to society. The education system is not the only place one can look to a subtle suggestion of that notion. I am sure many have seen "The Passion of the Christ". As much as I love that movie, I dont recall seeing to many faces of color there. How many movies or shows have we seen where Queen Cleopatra is depicted as a white eurocentric beauty? And last but not least, look at the treatment of The most powerful leader of the free world, The current President of the United States of America Barack H. Obama. How many indignities has he had to suffer as President? I have never heard of a President being heckled on Capitol Hill. Please keep in mind that I do acknowledge that our great President was not elected by just black people but by many different groups of people so in saying this I hope to clear the air and show that this post is not about deep frying white people. There were white abolitionists too. Some of you might ask me how this relates to the word n-bomb and Paul Mooney's anger and borderline rant? To answer that I can simply say that I understand where his hostility is coming from. You dont have to be a slave to still feel the bitter sting of what slavery has done to black people and the word n*gg*r is one of those bitter seeds. It is a seed that only serves to remind people with enough sense to know that the black cloud of racism still lingers above us no matter where we seek shelter. And as a sidenote, I also believe that the audience was a little less than completely objective on this issue. When the white lady at the end of the show made the comment about clutching her purse tightly when walking by a group of blacks because the blacks that she see's are gangsta's. I had to chuckle a little bit because if I walked by a crowd of gangsta looking black men, I would clutch my wallet and tuck my chain too. But dont get too insulted just yet... If I, on that same day, happened to walk or drive by some Hell's Angel looking Biker's I would do the same thing as well. You dont have to be black to look shady. Take this post however you feel you should, all it is is another black man's opinion.
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