I'M SORRY I BEAT YOU WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE, AND TOOK YOU JET SKIING IN MIAMI A WEEK AND A HALF LATER... I don't really like talking about this situation because I feel like we will never REALLY know what went down. But this apology is wak. The boy looks like chef boy R. D. in that shirt or like he was trying out for Star Trek... Plus the cue card reading was just plain horrible... But lets just keep it 100, sorry Phil VA can sure as hell sing, but y'all cant act for nothing! I still got luv for CBreezy's music but he might need to re-up the apology.
I have to say...no bias....inspite of the card reading or who even wrote the speech...he seemed very sincere...
lmao.... Sincere not.... trying to get his fans to buy his next album YES!
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