Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hey maybe im just "Bitter"? Like Nas... THIS IS WHY INFORMED PEOPLE "CAN" COMPLAIN!

I want to relieve some frustration and put up examples of many of the atrocities and psychological jabs that have been hurled this campaign year. The main reason I'm doing this is because too many people are uninformed and have no idea what they are talking about. This goes for all people, liberal and conservative, white and black, men and women... Now sadly enough things can go under the radar ever so easily, any statement or occurrence can be minimized and disappear due to over assumption and the most dangerous the false belief that you really know whats going on... So many people talk as if they have this election figured out, as if they know all the events and have every quote memorized, this my friend is totally foolish and at "best" extremely annoying. For example the recent controversy with rapper Nas protesting Fox News, Some people whole heartily believe he has no basis on being angry at a network that allows racism to slip on its screens a lil bit too much for my taste... Since most of you may have missed alot of these events here is a report on the very things Nas was protesting...

This kind of behavior is unacceptable but somehow everyday people are saying its not a big deal and "Black people need to stop complaining", Give me a break! Stop complaining!?? Do you have any idea what kind of ignorance were dealing with on a daily basis??? Aight aight maybe i didn't convince you enough... Lemme show you what kind of stupidity drives these complaining "Black" people crazy...

WTF is up with these people, are voters really that ignorant?

How about Jim Jones... Yet again Black people not seeing the big picture! Lets not talk about issues effecting us and our community, lets talk about getting money!? Damn this made me mad too, dumb ass...

Anyone else think Obama's ears and hairline look like curious George?

Here's what the KKK had to say...

Things like that are what enrage people like me... Sadly enough people still believe I and people like me have no right or reason to speak the truth... Saying something like "Nas is bitter" is foolish to me, because he documents his statements. Since when was telling the truth about a tough subject "bitter"? As for the campaign on Fox News my take is obviously not everyone working there is a bigot, DUH! But Bigotry is displayed on air and is tolerated... Its not ok to parade racist hate speech and call it news, not now, not ever! So I leave you with this and remind you that if you are going to debate reality with someone make sure you at least know the bare minimum... If you actually read this and watched those clips I commend you and promise you will be more informed. I leave you with this last clip hope you like it...


Vinari-Fashionista said...

WWWWOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!! WAtching some of these videos made me sick to my stomach... It's sad to see in this day and age how stupid some people can be... and its even sadder that one of the idiots is a black man that many of our youths look up to... I am not surprised that racism is still strong in the united states... but I am upset that people honestly believe black people have no reason to upset about the things that go on in this country....

%Hunnid-proof% said...

Oh by the way I wrote this post while I watched CNN cover the Unity convention and Obama give his first appearance since returning to the states. Oh by the way Fox didnt cover the event... doesn't surprise me, Obama killed the Q&A portion.

Born2LeadAnd2Succeed said...
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Born2LeadAnd2Succeed said...

Oh and the "change in a cup" guy deserves to get shot!


Born2LeadAnd2Succeed said...

I cant handle stuff like this...IT BLOWS ME! I get so angry because its people like the KKK guy and "the change in a cup" guy that hinder any positive growth in America. I hate thinking that in a country where skin color has been such a factor, I HAVE THE SAME SKIN COLOR AS THESE DUMB-ASS-MUTHA-FUCKAS! I cant even talk about any of this without getting upset! I dont understand how people can have this mindset, but then again they most likely think Im crazy! All I know is that those videos showed me how blessed I am to have been brought up in a biracial home........

%Hunnid-proof% said...

Yea ppl like the guys on this video do get me pissed... But I am very aware that its not everyone... I think that is one of our biggest hurdles, realizing that generalizing maybe hard to undo but overcoming it is an intrical part to living in harmony. I probably will highlight the atrocities of black racism in this country and how people who have openly showed racism still recieve praise. Like Wu Tang and Brand Nubian who's hatespeech in their music is truly counterproductive... Even I have fallen victim to allowing that negative imagery into my life ei Dead Prez and or so called revolution music. Im all about the struggle but im more Martin than Malcom even tho I dont always show it. I dont want anyone to see this post and think its a time to blame white ppl for black ppls problems today, but to solely show that ppl need to be accountable for their actions and apart of that accountability is not getting all riled up when its brought up. You need to Identify in order to Eliminate. So when things happen and ppl like me wanna talk about it its because we want to make it better, but we have to figure it out first. Dont feel bad if your white, Dont feel bad if your black, JUST GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT SOMEONE TRYING TO MAKE YOU FEEL BAD FOR BEING THAT! Thats why I talk about what I do, because there are ppl in this country that think because im a young Black American that im handicap or less than them... An trust me when I say... I'M GONNA PROVE THEM WRONG!

Nasty Nate Nizzle said...

Some of the earlier videos kinda had me chuckling.. Except the last two and the photos of the Lynchings... By the way, when are you going back to LYNCHburg, Chris?

Nasty Nate Nizzle said...

Change in the cup was kinda funny.. I saw it coming.