Thursday, December 11, 2008

YOOOO This is soooo sad...

Ok let me be frank and give you a disclaimer... I do not agree with this video but I do see its point. This woman was a Barack Obama recruiter and she took time out of her oh so high paying job to address the crazy new york street preachers. She basically reveals some deep seeded hatred and it something to see. Oh and im sorry for the horrible spelling in the video these guys are idiots!


Anonymous said...

Quite possibly the worst thing Ive ever seen!

The editing almost made me lose it!

Nasty Nate Nizzle said...

Wow... I don't know who is worse here. Her or them. They started it.. but she.. Wow. But seems like they don't like black people either. She's brave. Whatever campus that was will remember her. She might get random ass whoopins for the rest of her life now.